Doctor X (1932)

There is a serial killer on the loose in New York, committing his cannibalistic murders using a scalpel with surgical precision, and always under the light of the full moon, earning the moniker of "The Moon Killer". While the police still has no idea of who the killer is, they know one important thing about him: the killer works as a scientist at the Academy of Surgical Research. The Academy's director, Dr. Jerry Xavier (Lionel Atwill), decides that in order to avoid any bad reputation for the Academy, he must find who the killer is among the suspects, and asks the Police Commisoner for time to carry on an experiment. Gathering his four comrades in his old mansion, Xavier will try to discover the identity of the killer, as anyone could be the murderer, including himself. At the same time, a wisecracking reporter named Lee (Lee Tracy) finds himself trying to discover what's the mystery at Xavier's Mansion. (IMDB José Luis Rivera Mendoza)

Mae Busch

Lee Tracy

Lionel Atwill

Fay Wray

Fay Wray

Preston Foster

John Wray

Arthur Edmund Carewe

Harry Beresford

Leila Bennett


  1. Lee Tracy is brilliant as the wisecracking reporter/hero! Fay Wray, Lionel Atwill, Rod Carewe, and Preston Foster all shine in this unique and superior chiller! One of the most atmospheric, enjoyable and chilling horror movies of all time.

  2. Absolutely! I definitely agree with that comment above, especially because I wrote it myself.

  3. Sure, i will agree with you too.
