Weasels Rip My Flesh (1979)

Weasels Rip My Flesh (1979)

If all movies were judged on the same standards then this movie would be crap in every department. You can't have the same expectations from a $400 "Weasels Rip My Flesh" as you can have from say a $215,000,000 "The Lone Ranger" and so thery are judged differently.

"Weasels Rip My Flesh" was made by high school student Nathan Schiff in the late 70s, before digital cameras and before film editing software. Using family, friends, items found around the house and even garbage Nathan managed to complete his project. ~Alzur

Returning from the planet Venus, an errant NASA spacecraft crashes into the ocean, spilling its radioactive cargo. Enveloped by a radioactive mass, a rabid weasel is transformed into a gigantic killer mutant. Prowling the countryside, the huge weasel kills and devours victims. The creature is captured by a disturbed scientist who plans to use its regenerative blood to amass an army of similar monsters, enabling him to conquer the Earth.
(Anonymous IMDB)

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